Sunday, July 29, 2012

We are here!

First thing, when I logged onto blogger, it was in Dutch.  So I hope this post goes out in English.  We arrived Friday morning after a very long flight.  We ended up sitting on the run way for about 2 hours because of a thunderstorm moving into NY City. Luckily, I had some hand stitching I could work on.

Snowman table runner
  We are staying in the home of one of Bob's co-workers and it is very lovely and comfortable.  We have shopped, looked at our house, eaten yummy food and I have driven my car.  One thing we have not done much of is sleep.  We are all really out of whack with the jet lag.  We were all awake until 2:30 am, and then just sleeping intermittenly.  Hopefully tonight we will be better on schedule.

Grocery store

Ready to shop
In the kitchen cabinet in our house.
I know the top two Sugar and salt,
not sure about the rest.
44.58 Euros is about $56.00

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Our Last Weekend in MN

This is our last weekend together as a family in MN. Next weekend, Baby Girl and I head to a National Dance Competetion out of state. The following weekend, our last weekend in the US, we will be visiting my mother-in-law.

It has been a great weekend. The town we live in hosts a week long festival every summer with fireworks, car shows, food boothes, Bingo and a wonderful parade. It felt good to participate in such 'SmallTown USA' activities just before we go to Belgium. The kids have had a lot of time with friends and swimming this past week. We feel settled into the Townhouse, pictures are even hung on the wall. I picked up my last quilts from the quilter today, bought a couple more yards of fabric, made a list of odds and ends that still need to be completed before we go. Best of all, Hubby is grilling steaks tonight, so I don't have to cook!